Running Kubuntu and the Mac is setup as MD too, the cores mythbackend can't connect to mysql and it may not boot
2nd option is select by default in case a
OS already exists on HDD (fallback is option 1)
It should boot after 5 seconds automatically
In case your Mac does not boot into rEFIt by default hold down “alt”
Grub: Menu now hidden, gPXE selected by default
Added a nice looking LMCE icon
Install on USB
Open .dmg-File and plug in usb drive
Open disk utilities
deactivate partitions of .dmg-File and USB stick. DO NOT UNMOUNT!
get device names: command+i shows the device identifier
dmg: disk1 → rdisk1
usb: disk2 → rdisk2
Write DMG File to USB:
dd if=/dev/rdisk1 of=/dev/rdisk2 bs=1m
Boot your mac with USB plugged in. Hold down alt/option to get the boot menu. Select refit and wait.
If all runs smooth, you should see a menu showing “LinuxMCE” and it will start boot in 5 seconds.