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LinuxMCE 14.04

Shadow Repo is used for latest packages of LinuxMCE dev version, atm Kubuntu 14.04

Install on Mac

  1. Add to in function ConfigSources () : AddRepoToSources “ trusty main”
  2. Wipe disc using Mac Linux USB Loader
  3. Install using unetbootin (partition 1) and refind (partition2) on a 4 GB USB
  4. Internet is required
  5. Update Kubuntu to the latest Version
  6. run including the shadow repo: trusty main

Working ..

  1. PPPOE Setup (using webadmin)
  2. qOrbiter iPad (added using webadmin)
  3. Resynchronize media
  4. Bluetooth
  5. USB-UIRT: Added manually to MD using webadmin (…after wating 15 minutes and 2 reboots). Set “COM Port on PC” and save was required as well. When added the device to the MD it is is created under “Hybrid/core” which is not good according to the wiki, but it works here.
  6. ZWave (Setup manually: not detected automatically but seems to work)

Waiting for test ..

  1. asterisk: intercom, telecom, etc (seems to work)
  2. VDR
  3. VPN (is killing pppoe setup: removes pppoe secret from /etc/ppp/pap-secrets when enabled in network settings)
  4. RaspberryPi Media Director (stuck in commandline login.)
  5. OwnCloud Setup

Fix stuff


Warnung: Werte ungleich 0 für »GRUB_TIMEOUT« werden, falls »GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT« aktiviert ist, nicht mehr unterstützt.
linuxmce_14.04_netinstall_again.1430601881.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/02 21:24 by admin