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Virtualbox: Core and MD Setup for LinuxMCE

Install a Core and a MediaDirector on VirtulaBox for development purposes.

Install Core

  1. Create a new VM: Machine → New Select OS Type
    1. Enter a “Name”
    2. Operating System: Linux
    3. Version: Debian
    4. Base Memory Size: 1024MB
    5. Create new hard disk: fixed size, 20GB should be enough
  2. Select created VM and click on “Settings”
  3. Choose Display → Remote Display
    1. Check “Enable Server”
    2. Authentication Method: None Network 1
    3. Authentication Timeout: 5000
    4. Keep the “Server Port” in mind for later
  4. Choose “Settings”, select Storage → Empty (CD Icon)
    1. On the right you'll find “CD/DVD Drive:”, click on the CD Icon → Choose Virtual CD/DVD file …
    2. select the LMCE iso file. Get it here:
  5. Choose Network → Adapter 1
    1. Attached to: Bridged Adapter
    2. Name: eth0
  6. Choose Network → Adapter 2 Network 2
    1. Check “Enable Network Adapter”
    2. Attached to: Internal Network
    3. Name: intnet ←- this is default, didn't do anything special to create it.
  7. Select VM and start it using the “Start” button
  8. Get a RDP, i use Cord
  9. Open your RDP client and add a new connection
    1. Set the IP of your host Linux + the port number, e.g.
    2. Connect to the VM, double click the recently created connection or whatever
  10. Install LinuxMCE as usual. To save time and keep the system load to a minimum i installed the Core headless

Install Media Director

Do the same for a Media Director as you did for the Core except the network setup. Make sure the Core VM is running and the setup is completely done.

  1. Create a new VM: Machine → New
    1. Enter a “Name”
    2. Operating System: Linux
    3. Version: Debian
    4. Base Memory Size: 512MB
    5. Create new hard disk: fixed size, 8GB
  2. Select created VM and click on “Settings”
  3. Choose Display → Remote Display
    1. Check “Enable Server”
    2. Authentication Method: None
    3. Authentication Timeout: 5000
    4. Keep the “Server Port” in mind for later
  4. Choose “Settings”, got to Network → Adapter 1 MD Network Setup
  5. Choose Network → Adapter 2
    1. Check “Enable Network Adapter”
    2. Attached to: Internal Network
    3. Name: intnet
  6. Choose System → Boot Order
    1. Select and enable “Network”
    2. use arrow up button and move “Network” to the top
  7. Select VM and start it using the „Start“ button
  8. RDP CLient: Add a new connection
    1. Set the IP of your host Linux + the port number, e.g. ←– the only difference is the port!
    2. Connect to the VM, double click the recently created connection for your Media Director
  9. Media Director should setup itself automatically.
linuxmce_macmini_2010_4_1/linuxmce_virtualbox_devenv.txt · Last modified: 2013/04/12 21:44 by