Available or given Hardware and Software:
Download OpenWRT x86 - for MacMini and KVM (Server install)
Download OpenWRT:
wget https://nusku.net/openwrt/r55d4b4f3b34171cdeb6124ed2b14c56bea970b9c/openwrt-x86-generic-combined-ext4.img.gz
Unzip OpenWRT:
gunzip openwrt-x86-generic-combined-ext4.img.gz
Determine disk number by using DiskUtil. Open DiskUtility select Harddisk and press “Command+i”.
Look for something like “Media-Identifier: diskX”, in my case it was “disk1”. Deactivate HDDs partitions, do not unmount HDD.
Write *.img to Disk:
sudo dd bs=1m if=openwrt-x86-generic-combined-ext4.img of=/dev/rdisk1
Local Network serving ip addresses for local machines
config interface 'lan' option ifname 'eth0' option type 'bridge' option proto 'static' option netmask '' option ipaddr '' option gateway '' option dns ''
Internet connection 1
config interface 'eth1' option proto 'dhcp' option ifname 'eth1' option ipaddr 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX'
Internet connection 2
config interface 'eth2' option proto 'dhcp' option ifname 'eth1' option ipaddr 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX'
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX | Static ip for “Internet connection 1” and “Internet connection 2” |
Solution from: http://blog.nickoneill.name/headless-mac-mini-with-ubuntu.html
Download and extract image in corresponding folder:
cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/ wget https://nusku.net/openwrt/r55d4b4f3b34171cdeb6124ed2b14c56bea970b9c/openwrt-x86-generic-combined-ext4.img.gz gunzip openwrt-x86-generic-combined-ext4.img.gz
Create new virtual machine and select image in /var/lib/libvirt/images/openwrt-x86-generic-combined-ext4.img
change settings in /etc/config/network:
config interface lan option ifname eth0 option type bridge option proto static option ipaddr 188.xxx.xxx.xxx option netmask 255.255.255.XXX option gateway 188.xxx.xxx.xxx
ipaddr | external ip provided by your hoster e.g. Hetzner |
gateway | IP of KVM Bridge e.g. br0 |
opkg update opkg install openvpn ca-certificates kmod-tun kmod-bonding
More advanced guide http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/vpn.openvpn